Rails Development Services

Since 2011, Ruby on Rails developers at Intellimus have been helping software companies and start-ups deliver web applications faster and at a lower cost. Over the years, we have matured into the large Ruby on Rails development team conssists of Ruby on Rails seasoned developers and QA professionals!
Our team has gained extensive experience across a variety of industries, including social networking, broadcasting/media, online education, marketing/advertising, and more. Our Rails developers follow the SCRUM methodology, being nonetheless open to other methodologies applied by our clients In addition, some of the programmers have contributed to the RoR community worldwide. Contact us for Ruby on Rails web-based application development services; Rails 2.x to Rails 3 porting and migration; Ruby on Rails QA/Testing services.
Get quality Ruby on Rails development from at reasonable price. Hire experienced Ruby developers for Rails development, consulting & support services.
Our ROR web development services include:
- Ruby on Rails development
- Porting applications to Ruby on Rails
- Application architecture re-design or enhancements
- ROR Test-Driven Development (TDD)
What you will get:
- Extensive expertise in Ruby on Rails, as well as experience in utilizing Merb, Heroku, Cucumber, Rake, JRuby, Git, Passenger, Bundler, RSpec, and other tools for rapid RoR development; access to a pool of Rails developers and QA engineers
- Lower costs due to engaging expert Ruby on Rails developers at cost-effective outsourcing rates
- Mature software development life-cycle and QA procedures; a proven, phased, scalable, and carefully documented methodologies to accelerate product on time delivery
- The team consists mostly of Team Leads and Senior Software developers and QA professionals
- Unique performance assessment system that tracks individual progress, encourages team members for constant improvement, and prevents them from spending billable hours ineffectively
- Access to our R&D department that tracks the most innovative tools and technologies to help our clients deliver solutions faster, with improved performance, and at a lower cost
A Ruby on Rails developer hired from Intellimus can provide you the following services:
- Rails Generators
- Rails App Structure
- Bundler and Gem Management
- Model-View-Controller
- Rails Paradigms like Convention over Configuration
- REST and RESTful Architecture
- Basic Relational Databases with SQLite
- Database Migrations
- Models, Active Record, and Query Interface
- Model Validations and Macros
- Model Callbacks and Observers
- Controllers and ActionController
- Rails Routing
- API Development (with JSON/XML)
- Rendering Layouts and Views with ERB
- Forms and File Uploads
- Task and Background Job Processing
- Debugging and the Rails Console
Frequently Asked Question
We’re hoping we’ve provided you with some answers, but our door’s always open for a chat if you have any others.
Intellimus has a team of expert web developers which start working on website development as soon as we get an order. We completely build custom business cards within 2 days and complete one page website with all content written in a week. In case of multi-page CMS website, we may take up to 3 weeks with complete content writing and making the website live.
For placing your order, please contact us at: info@intellimus.com
Our QA & and testing team makes its best effort to get through each and every test plan to ensure quality. We aim to deliver quality product so our team tests a website on the following browsers:
– Chrome 25.0.x (+)
– Firefox 19.0 (+)
– Internet Explorer 8, 9 (+)
– iPhone safari
– iPad safari
– iPad chrome
– Safari 5.1.7 (+)
– Safari for Mac
The tools we use for testing are as follows:
– GtMetrix
– Google speed test
It is not just WordPress, Intellimus offer all kinds of CMS solutions but WordPress is mostly used by us because it suits almost every kind of business needs. But if there is need of any other CMS solution, then we do offer it. Please contact us for your further query about which CMS is best suitable for your business. Contact us at: info@intellimus.com
First question we get from our client is about the price we would charge for a good website design. It is very difficult to answer as different clients have different needs and the website cost depends on the project and the features that need to be built in the website. Please contact us for more information.
E-commerce is known as selling your products online. The products may include anything from electronic products to software or courses. You may be able to showcase your products online for other people to buy and you can add a payment method there for maintaining payments. This is done by buying a hosting for online space to keep your data there.
When we come along with such a website that does not satisfy your needs and requirement then renovation and redesign has definitely nothing bad and it is never too late to make adjustments for an effective solution. We offer website redesign and we start the design and development process right after your approval for the mockups created by gathering your requirements.
The only thing you need to provide us for creating your website, besides your requirements is the content you want us to put on to your website. We organize it on our own.
After you ask for quote for designing your website, we communicate with you either through phone, skype or email for getting your requirements. We create documentations and demo designs afterwards, which once accepted, we start working on your website design after you make us the initial payment.
Yes, you can see your website after first page of it I completed and it is uploaded to server for your review.
You can get the files through any electronic media in the desired file format or it can be uploaded to your server/domain too.
We provide complete secrecy and you own the source code after we have delivered you the complete project.
Once we have created your website we do not charge anything more for maintenance if you have nothing new changes made to your website. But if you decide to handle your website maintenance through another company then it is totally up to you and we respect your decision.
Web hosting is the unique web address where your website is located and can be accessed through that unique web address 24/7.
Most of the time, an existing hosting can be used but it depends upon the features they are providing.
Yes, we offer consulting. Our initial consulting is for getting your requirements and afterwards if you feel like consulting something then we welcome all queries.